Bibliophiliac is the space where one passionate, voracious reader reflects on books and the reading life. You will find reviews, analysis, links, and reflections on poetry and prose both in and out of the mainstream.

A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. Franz Kafka
Friday, October 1, 2010
Book Blogger Hop October 1-4
Welcome to Bibliophiliac! I can't believe another week has gone by--it was a busy one! It was homecoming week at the public high school where I work, and I had the dubious pleasure of reliving the fashions of the eighties....The Book Blogger Hop, sponsored by Jennifer at Crazy for Books is already in full swing. This week's question is about how we book bloggers acquire readers. The book blogger hop is certainly one way to try to connect with readers, but it is also a way to find new blogs to love. I find that the best way to attract readers is to be one: through reading and commenting on other book blogs. This is time-consuming and requires patience, but it works.When time and life allow, I spend a substantial amount of time doing what I hope others will do for me: reading and responding to posts. I have gotten to know some superb readers and writers this way, and it has been the most rewarding aspect of blogging for me. While I would love to have a thousand readers, that isn't even really a goal for me; it is a goal to get to know the people who are already reading my blog, to return the favor and read and respond to their posts, and to find other congenial gentle readers and writers with whom to converse. The conversation is the thing, and good conversations always work both ways.
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Just hopping by to say hello-I really like what you said about readers and comments-I am already a follower of your blog
I think you have the right of it; I visit other literary blogs that look interesting. The blog 'Hop' is just one way of doing so. While I don't formally sign up for the 'Hop,' I do scroll through the list of folks who've signed up and look at those that catch my eye.
I really don't mind using a meme, or two, periodically to do something different on my blog; I am not particularly interested in a week's worth of memes. I really strive for something original that catches the reader's interest. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't.
I periodically post a link to my blog on Facebook, but that's about it. After nearly two years, I only have about 50 'followers,' and that's okay with me.
Have a wonderful weekend! Cheers! Chris
I really love what you said about getting to know your readers! I also think it's really important to develop a "relationship" of a sorts with the people who read your blog on a daily basis. I also love spending time just reading other peoples' blogs and commenting on their posts. Very time consuming, but so much fun! Have a great weekend!
I love discovering new blogs and via time you develop some great new friendships based on our passion for reading. It's the most incredible forum to explore new works and share a good laugh too.
Keep reading and don't stop writing my favorite napping girl ;)
Hi there. Thanks for stopping by! I can't believe how quickly time seems to be passing. Fall is in the air here.
Wow, this was like the best answer I've read yet. You said it all! I hope to be a good reader too, so thought I'd stop by, say hey, and return the favour. I like the look of your blog, and your reviews, so I'm a new follower. Thanks again for visiting my blog. Hope you have a great week!
Love your new look for Fall too! ;-)
i love the new design!
@mel-thanks for stopping by-I am your follower also!
@Christopher-thanks for stopping by-you are definitely one of the best commenters out there. I do agree that the number of followers a blog has does not necessarily reflect the quality of the blog-and I'm very happy with the gentle readers I have now!
@Kelly-thanks for stopping by
@PK-never underestimate the power of a good nap!
@Toni-thanks--I look forward to visiting your blog often!
Fall leaves very pretty...
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