This week I discovered the impulse-buying capacities of the Nook, began the Don Quixote readalong with Stu at Winston's Dad, and started reading several books simultaneously (not my usual practice). I realized how little time I have left before work begins again (one week) and also realized how many books I'd like to read before then (too many). I started reading Driftless by David Rhodes--how happy I am to renew my acquaintance with July Montgomery. There is another readalong I want to participate in (Middlemarch with Nymeth at Things Mean A Lot). I have a love affair with Middlemarch, which I have already read two or three times. I love reading, but I think I love rereading even more. I think probably I should spend more time rereading books--that would be a good list, and I'm going to give it a thought.
Since my school year begins very soon, whenever I go anywhere in public people delight in declaring to me: you'll be going back soon! Really, it makes me want to stay home. I went to Best Buy with my husband this afternoon, and one of my former students--he just graduated in June, and really, he's one of my favorites (and they're all favorites) came rushing over to give me a hug. Then he had to ask. When do you go back? Same thing in the Starbucks--the manager knows me from school, since both of his sons graduated from the school where I teach: When do you go back? Sigh. How in the world am I going to start getting up at five in the morning again?
But you know what? Going back in the building always surprises me--I always get caught up in the excitement and the energy. There is something wonderful about working in a school and always having new beginnings.
So, dear readers and loyal followers, are you starting something soon (school, a new job, a new phase in your life)? Or, (good essay tests offer more than one option) what would you put on your list of Books to Reread?
Funny you should ask. I am starting a 'featured blog' on my side bar: I had to create a "button" for you, check it out.
So when do you go back, in a week, WOW!
Wow, one more week... luckily I don't go back until September 7! ;)
I feel the same way. I dread going back to work, but in that week before, I go in and set-up my classroom and the excitement sets in. I'm so full of new resolutions in the fall. It's a bittersweet time, because I am excited for all that the new school year will bring, but sad to see my summer slip away.
To answer your question -
I am starting a "new" job this year. I'll be in the same school district, but teaching orchestra at the high school instead of the middle school. I'm nervous and excited. I'm also starting my final month of summer vacation, which is where I get most of my summer fun in. I work at a camp in July, so I feel in many ways "summer vacation" has just started.
I have many books on my reread list, but I'd have to say I really need to reread the Harry Potter series. I think knowing the whole story will give me new eyes to read the earlier books with.
I really don't like to reread books. I know that puts me in the minority out there, but the way I see it--there are too many good books out there to spend time rereading something I have already read....
I always dreaded the first day of school, but really enjoyed being back in school after that. Enjoy your last week of vacation!
And as far as rereading, well I don't usually reread. Although I hold on to my favorite books as though I may reread them, I don't. I may consider rereading the Harry Potter books one right after the other though,and of course classics such as Pride and Prejudice should get a rereading. I'd love to reread Anna Karinina, but fear I would get bogged down in Russian farming! Enjoy your week!
I've just started a new job and I'm only really hitting it full stride this week. So far, I've been bringing home tons of paperwork from my new desk trying to get things organized and to know what I've got. This has seriously cut into my reading--so the new job will be great...except for the reduction in my down time!
You know, Lisa, I really like your idea of a posting about 'what books would we re-read'? Maybe I'll do a top-ten fave re-reads. I love to re-read my favorite novels. I especially love to re-visit not only those that are clear favorites, but also those that I know that I can mine some more treasure from.
I just finished Hardy's "Jude the Obscure" for the very first time in my life (I know, shame on me!), and I realize that I definitely need to read it several more times.
Good luck getting ready for the new academic year. I so admire you teachers, you really are the best! Cheers! Chris
I love re-reading favorite novels -- once I've become familiar with the story, I can focus on savoring the writing. :-)
I teach writing part-time, but our school year doesn't start until mid-September. Do you teach high school? what subject do you teach?
It's funny. I'm like Julie P. I don't really like to reread books either and I don't like to watch a movie more than once. Knowing the full arc and plot of a story in advance takes away the hunger that leads me through a story.
As for new beginnings, every day is a new beginning for me as I struggle to get through a very difficult time in my life and find gratitude for the here and now. I would like to think that perhaps my 50th birthday coming up in October will usher in a whole new glorious rebirth for me.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. And yes you can find Swimming with Wings at any bookstore across the US, also on Powells.com, Amazon.com and in Kindle editions.
@BookQuoter-thanks, I checked it out and the button looks great! That's something I need to learn how to do!
@Kate-that sounds like a great new job-congratulations, and I hope you enjoy your last month off...
@Julie P-I always feel like when I reread, I know I'm going to like the book, whereas, if the book is new to me, I might be wasting my time on a book that's not that great!
@Suzanne-I hope I make that journey from dread to joy! About Anna Karenina-just finishing it once is probably enough for bragging rights;)
@Lisa-congratulations on your new job! Anyone who can get a job in this economy must be doing something right!
@Lone Bear-I think that a list of books you'd like to reread is a great idea for a post--I'll probably do one too. If you end up doing it I'll be happy to post a link to yours...
@Stephanie-yes, I teach high school English--and this year I'm excited to be teaching two sections of creative writing!
@Lee-50 seems like as good a time as any for rebirth! I admire you for completing a novel, that is something many dream of but most people never do...
Here's something for you to savor before you "go back." Congratulations! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please access it at your convenience and be sure to pass it on to other deserving bloggers. Enjoy!
Thanks Donna, I'm honored!
I know EXACTLY what you mean about the impulse-buying capacities of the Nook. That thing should really have come with a warning label!
I am starting to finally write my thesis. I have done a fantastic job of ignoring it, but the clock is ticking away and ignoring it isn't an option anymore. Knowing that writing it is going to make me slightly batty, I'm going to spare future Pre-K students my insanity and give up my classroom. In just a few weeks I will be a "floater," filling in wherever needed.
Rereads . . . I would love to reread A Series of Unfortunate Events someday, (since a lot of time passed between me reading the first book and the last), and I'm planning on rereading some Isabel Allende soon.
Enjoy your final week of freedom!
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