
Bibliophiliac is the space where one passionate, voracious reader reflects on books and the reading life. You will find reviews, analysis, links, and reflections on poetry and prose both in and out of the mainstream.

A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. Franz Kafka

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunshine Award

It is so appropriate that I am giving the Sunshine Award today, because we have a heat index of 108 degrees in South Carolina today.  A perfect day for the cool, air-conditioned bookstore.

The Sunshine Award came to me from Priya at The Plum Bean Project.  Priya is a first-time novelist, and her historical novel Exit the Actress will be published in February.  I plan to be the first person in Hilton Head to read her novel!

I'm supposed to pass this award on to twelve other blogs, and I decided to give the awards to twelve blogs I had only recently discovered.  Between the Book Blog Hop and Bloggiesta I have found quite a few new blogs to love.

1.  Lisa of Lit and Life
2. Literary Musings
3. Rachel of And the plot thickens...
4. Kals of At Pemberley
5. Holly of BippityBoppityBook
6. Book Snob
7. Desperate Reader
8. Judith of Reader in the Wilderness
9. Senora G. of Reading, Reading and Life
10. Teadevotee of amused, bemused and confused
11. I Love to Read
12. avisannschild of She Reads and Reads

What I look for in a blog is a distinct voice, or a distinctive aesthetic or ethos--and that voice or aesthetic doesn't necessarily have to match mine.  I continue to find interesting and unique voices as I explore the bookish blogosphere, and the twelve blogs above are just a few I have stumbled on in recent weeks.  I hope you will check a few of them out.


B said...

Thank you very much, Lisa! What a great way to start my week!

Lisa said...

Thanks, Lisa! And your list of other bloggers you're passing this along to as well has many new to be blogs as well that I've got to check out.

I was just reading your sidebars and see that you're a teacher--yea! My parents were both teachers and I have such respect for the profession. Also that you studied art--I have a son headed off to do just that this fall. I may have to hit you up periodically with questions!

Rachel said...

Thanks Lisa! :) What a lovely surprise! I am so glad you like my blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the award! Coming from a teacher it is even more special.

Laura Kozy Lanik said...

I am truly honored. Thanks for thinking of me and I am overjoyed you like my blog. The sunshine award is appropriate today for me as well because it has been raining here in Minnesota on and off for two weeks and I could really use a dose of sunshine. Thanks!!

Kals said...

Thank you so much, Lisa! :) And congrats on your award. I'll be checking out the other blogs you've listed here!

Thanks again for a great start for my day :)

avisannschild said...

Thanks, Lisa! And thanks for introducing me to a bunch of new blogs (I didn't know any of the other bloggers you gave this award to).

I love your header!

Lyndsey @ teadevotee.com said...

How sweet - you are very kind! And I'll be sure to check out your other nominees too. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Most of these are new to me! Thanks for sharing your list :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you so much. It's such a cheerful award. I love flowers. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read Middlemarch with a group one day. I'm coming back to look more closely at your blog.