If you are given this award you must first accept it by leaving a comment on the post you were nominated on. Then copy and paste the post and add it to your own blog. Make a list of the last 5 books you read and pass the award on to 5 other bloggers (no backsies!). Please also identify the blog from which you got the award and don't forget to tell your picks that they
have a blog award!
Priya of The Plum Bean Project is one of my favorite book bloggers. Her writing is evocative and vivid, and she has a distinctive voice. She also has a generous spirit, and way back on the 17th of May she honored me with the Bodacious Blogging Book Reviews Award. Between viruses and final grades for my seniors, I just didn't have time to take care of my blogging business the way I would like. So, here is my bodacious awards post, finally. The last five books I read were:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Complete Poems of John Keats
Selected Letters of John Keats
The World That Was Ours by Hilda Bernstein
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Here are the five blogs that I think deserve the Bodacious Book Reviews Award
Time Out I discovered Chelle's blog through the Book Blog Hop, and further investigation reveals that Chelle is a librarian (dream job!) in-the-making and fan of East of Eden
Elephants on Trapezes, also discovered on the Book Blog Hop, hosted by Readerly Person, who also loves East of Eden
The Bodacious Pen by Tara -- it is only fitting that Tara receive this award! Tara writes about books and writing in an approachable, singular, engaging voice
Eclectic/Eccentric is another Book Blog Hop discovery -- Trisha is the host of this eclectic and interesting blog
Crazy for Books Jennifer deserves this award many times over. Without the Book Blog Hop I would be a book blogger wallflower with about six followers, and would have no idea what I was doing in this book blogosphere
Hey! Thanks for the award (and the visit). I love your Kafka quote - my college roommate from fresh/soph years had this one on her wall!
- Rebecca
Thanks so much for my new Bodacious award! It is pretty fitting. :)
Thanks so much Lisa! It's so great to receive awards like this.
Thanks, Lisa! This is very sweet of you! Happy Memorial Day!
your blog is marvelous! so happy the crazy end of year workload is easing up!
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