
Bibliophiliac is the space where one passionate, voracious reader reflects on books and the reading life. You will find reviews, analysis, links, and reflections on poetry and prose both in and out of the mainstream.

A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. Franz Kafka

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Literary Blog Hop

This week's question is from....me!

After a one week hiatus, the Literary Blog Hop is back.  Sponsored by The Blue Bookcase, the Literary Blog Hop is a weekly event for literary book blogs.  To find out more, or to participate, go to the Blue Bookcase and add your blog to the linky.

Here's this week's question:
What literary title (fiction or non-fiction) do you love that has been under-appreciated?  We all know about the latest Dan Brown, and James Patterson isn't hurting for publicity.  What quiet masterpiece do you want more readers to know?

A writer who I think more readers should know is W.D. Wetherell, a writer of novels and short stories.  His short story collection Wherever That Great Heart May Be is one of the most stunningly beautiful books I have read.  Wetherell is a storyteller, and a writer who sees deeply into the human heart.  The title story of Wherever That Great Heart May Be features writer Herman Melville as a character.  It is as mysterious, compelling, and breathtaking a story as I have read. Wetherell's stories have a strong sense of place and landscape, and deftly written characters.  It is a mystery to me that his work is not better known.  Of his novels, I loved Chekhov's Sister; Wetherell has written several non-fiction books, novels, and short story collections, including the 2009 collection Hills Like White Hills.

What writer or book do you think more readers should know?


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Thank you for this question and thank you for your answer!


Anonymous said...

Melville and Chekov as characters? That sounds interesting!....I'm going to be keeping an eye out for this writer. :)

As the Crowe Flies and Reads said...

Good question this week! But I have to confess that I don't think I've ever read Wetheral, much less read him.

Robyn Ryle said...

Thanks for the great question. Wetheral is new to me, but that's what's great about books...there's always something new (to someone)out there waiting to be discovered.

Orhedea said...

Mmm, good suggestion. Btw, Master and Margarita is a wonderful book. Good luck!

Elizabeth said...

Great comments...thanks.

I am new to this blog hop...nice to meet you...well, I did visit before and commented on your typewriter, but I am new to the Blue Bookcase's blog hop.


Aisle B said...

Hmmm love Roald Dahl adult reads. Too many people think of his children stories but his adult reads are incredible. Try his short stories.

PS Going to check out Wetheral, that's a promise for 2011 ;)