
Bibliophiliac is the space where one passionate, voracious reader reflects on books and the reading life. You will find reviews, analysis, links, and reflections on poetry and prose both in and out of the mainstream.

A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. Franz Kafka

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Book Blogger Hop July 23-26

It's time for another Book Blogger Hop, sponsored by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.  Every week it seems that more book bloggers jump onto the Book Blogger Hop--last week there were more than 300 participants.  If you haven't joined the Book Blogger Hop, check out Crazy for Books, read about the hop, and add your blog to the list. Then start hopping!

This week Jennifer's question is about the book you're reading right now....that was my last post, where I talked about the novel Rock Island Line by David Rhodes.  So far I really love this book; check out my post below for more about the author.

I hope you will browse around a bit, and please leave a comment to let me know you were here--I return all visits.  Have a great weekend; I'll be stopping by your blog soon to see what you're reading this week.


DJ D. said...

Just hopping by to say hello! Happy reading!

Suko said...

Hi, I am here to your terrific blog via the Hop!

Happy reading! :)

pussreboots said...

Enjoy your book. Happy almost Friday from California. Pussreboots.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say "HI" and invite you to hop over to my place for a visit.



Shannon said...

Just hopped over and started following your blog - I really like it! Happy hopping!

-- Shannon at thespacebard.blogspot.com

Jess // Curating Style said...

Thanks for hopping by! (I'm also a follower, as you know.) Have a great weekend!

xtina@moydrookreads said...

thanks for hopping by! i am a new follower. i love your layout...very classy.

monica said...

hello. nice to meet you and your blog. love that typewriter!

I appreciate your comments about not liking grades (in your bio).

following you on twitter-


Janna said...

Hi, just hopping by!

My blog: http://www.primoreads.com/

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the follow! Very nice blog. I like your reviews.

Jinky said...

Hoppin' back over to you! Thanks for the follow and now I'm following you too.

Enjoy your weekend. :)

Aisle B said...

It's friday and so happy that I don't have to work tomorrow... I do have to get ready for a major pot luck so ... I have to get up early with the rooster to cook! Hmmm time to get the donuts :)
FYI No food or yoga on Aisle B this friday... just books books books. Actually it's a party where you must bring your favorite hero / heroine of all times... Bring your lit hero/heroine to my Aisle B and we will compare notes :)
So come by... FYI I have dibs on ROARKE from IN DEATH series. DO NOT TOUCH HIM!

Bev Hankins said...

Hopping right back at you! Thanks for following & visiting.

Donna said...

You have an awesome blog and a new follower.  Very interesting articles.

Shannon, StorySnoops said...

Hi there,

Found you on The Hop and wanted to say "hi". Nice to meet you. I enjoy your blog, and from reading your bio, I wish my kids had you as a teacher!

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog :-) I've never heard of Rock Island Line before...sounds great but sadly as if it's all but been forgotten. Will look out for your review.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I'm here on the Hop - and re-visiting too :)

(I thought I had left a comment on last Friday's hop but I have so many problems leaving comments on Blogger, maybe it didn't work...)

What is Rock Island Line about?

Anonymous said...

I'm just stopping by from the hop. I hope you're having a great weekend!

bibliophiliac said...

@Shannon (Giraffe Days) Thanks for stopping by! Rock Island Line is hard to categorize but it is really good; absolutely beautiful writing & characterization. I guess it is a coming of age story, or a bildungsroman...Where I am right now in the novel the main character's parents have died, and he has run away and is living basically on the street in Philadelphia... I will keep you posted;)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading your review!

Library Cat said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog looks very interesting and I will be a follower.