Since my blog is relatively new, I am trying something for the first time here. It's a bit of a challenge to my technical skills! I'm going to sign up for Book Blogger Appreciation Week, and I am stumbling through the process--we'll see how it goes.
Step 1: Go the the web site here, and fill out the registration form. But before you actually fill out the form, you probably want to read the instructions and decide what category your book blog fits best. You also want to choose the five posts you would like to submit for consideration, and figure out how to create those little linky thingys (oh, that's just for newbies like me).
Step 2: Create a post (like this one) with the links to your posts.
Step 3: Did you fill out your registration form already? Maybe you are like me, and you are going back and forth between two tabs!
This year, you must nominate yourself for an award if you want to be considered for one. There's a new registration form where you have to declare which niche your blog fits into. Of course, no one will perfectly fit into any niche. We know this. This is just for what fits best. There is a list of niche categories on the dedicated blog and you're only eligible to register for one.
If you don't want to be eligible for an award but you still want to vote, you must still register! You just don't have to sign up in a particular niche. Registration is open until July 7th, so I encourage all my book blogging friends to go register! BBAW is all about community and getting to know new book bloggers. It's a celebration. I hope everyone wants to participate!
To Be Considered for Best Literary Fiction Book Blog:
1.Be Kind: Thursday, April 15, 2010
2. The Center Will Not Hold: Saturday, May 1, 2010
3. Just Another Manic Monday: Monday, April 26, 2010
4. What is a Man? Friday, April 16, 2010
5. Lark and Termite: Wednesday, March 31, 2010
To Be Considered for Best Written Book Blog:
(& Best New Blog? Started posting regularly 12/2009)
1. Be Kind: Thursday, April 15, 2010
2. My Million Dollar Bonus: Wednesday, May 26, 2010
3.The Road to Destiny: Books for the Graduate: Sunday, June 6, 2010
4.The Letters and Journals of Paula Modersohn-Becker
5.Reading and Writing: Txt It
Okay, I think I've done everything I'm supposed to do. Now all I have to do is paste the link to this post in my registration form. Wish me luck!
Good luck! And thanks for outlining everything for everyone! Very helpful.
Thanks Brenna, I really hope I did this right. Also, how conceited is it to nominate yourself! Lol. But the links etc were a good tech challenge for me;)
Good luck!!!!
good luck lisa
Good luck!
Good luck :)
Great blog..stopping by from the blog hop links :)
Haha. I registered to vote as recommended. Good luck!
Good luck! Just saw your post and decided to register as well.
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