
Bibliophiliac is the space where one passionate, voracious reader reflects on books and the reading life. You will find reviews, analysis, links, and reflections on poetry and prose both in and out of the mainstream.

A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. Franz Kafka

Sunday, May 23, 2010

To My Loyal Followers

I've changed the look of my blog, and I'd appreciate your comments. Do you like the new template? I was looking for something simple, clean, and easy to read. How does it work for you? Or maybe you're just here for the inimitable content? Let me know what you think.


BookQuoter said...

Although I miss your template and you know why, I do think this template looks cleaner and easier to read.

I am so glad you are feeling better. Book shopping is always good adjunctive therapy.

Anonymous said...

The old was lovely, the new is crisp & clean. Both suit you. :)

Hannah Stoneham said...

Very clean and easy to read - I like it - personally, i like simple and readable.

Thanks for asking!


Anonymous said...

i like the new look ,much crisper ,all the best stu

Bybee said...

This one looks nice and I really am fond of your picture of the Underwood typewriter!

Priya Parmar said...

love it! lean and spare and bright.

Unknown said...

I do like it very much. In fact I'm a bit envious of the clean look. I've been thinking of doing the same thing to get away from my dark look...need to lighten things up for the summer, you know. Alas, I'm so deeply coded into my template that if I changed it I think I might screw things up.

Ashley M. said...

I like it. :)
but you showed it to me at school!

Ordinary Reader said...

Very nice. Clean, bright and easy to read. Love it!

bibliophiliac said...

Thanks for your comments everyone! Overall I'm glad I made the change.

Anonymous said...

i'm just getting caught up on my reader and am stopping by to see the new layout. i like it very much and think it is a nice change! i love the simplicity.