A few days ago, Book Quoter left me a message saying she had an award for me. That turned out to be the Prolific Blogger Award, and I was truly flattered and charmed. I haven't been doing this for all that long, and I clearly remember writing posts that I believed no one was reading. Well, I believed that because no one was reading them.
So when Ben notified me that he had an award for me I was, again, flattered and charmed.
And when Priya let me know....I was surprised and flattered, and when I realized that all three awards were the Prolific Blogger Award I had to chuckle. I guess I'll just have to enjoy my Academy Awards moment and thank everyone possible, including my 9th grade English teacher, Mrs. Graham, who had to be one of the most tolerant woman in the universe (or a really good actor) because she used to smile at me, encourage me, and give every indication of liking me, when I know for a fact that I was nearly completely unlikeable in the 9th grade.
Now I have to pass on this award to seven other blogs (x3)! I will do this in three separate batches, and it will be a pleasure to do so. I truly appreciate affirmation in any form, and I can only be grateful that three different people chose to give me this award. I look forward to honoring excellent and prolific bloggers, seven at a time. The first seven are in honor of Book Quoter, who really is prolific in her blog (A Thousand Books with Quotes).
Here are my first seven Prolific Blogger Awards:
Caroline Bookbinder (http://carolinebookbinder.blogspot.com)
She is Too Fond of Books (http://she-is-too-fond-of-books.blogspot.com)
Entomology of a Bookworm (http://entomologyofabookworm.blogspot.com)
Confessions of a Bibliophile (http://true-confessions-of-a-bibliophile.blogspot.com)
A Novel Source (http://anovelsource.blogspot.com)
Bibliophile by the Sea (http://bibliophilebythesea.blogspot.com)
Til We Read Again (http://tilwereadagain.blogspot.com)
These awards are to blogs that are each very different, but each of these bloggers is prolific and interesting. I chose from blogs that I actually follow, and would recommend to others. Many thanks to Book Quoter for recognizing (you can check out her blog by clicking here).
Thanks so much for my award:) I am so honored you thought of me!!!
Oh shoot. My internet must have pooped out on me when I commented last night. I'm getting so TIRED of that happening, checking out the comments where I know I've posted and... Nothing. Ugh!
I wanted to say thank you, and chuckle right along with you, because I also got three awards in twenty-four hours. In my case though, they were all different. I don't know that I'm following enough blogs to fill in all pass-alongs though, which makes me laugh a little bit. I'm VERY new to the current blog. The previous one, literally nobody read, so I know how you felt with that! lol
Thanks so much for thinking of me; I appreciate it.
You are all welcome!
Thank you so much for my award!!!! AND you my dear are so truly deserving of YOUR award 3 x over!!! You rock!!!
That you so so so much! I really love these things as it's no nice to know you're not blogging in a vacuum, you know?
Wow! Thank you! Strange that I get the Prolific Blogger Award on the week that I not only haven't been up on my Google Reader, but haven't posted all week!
You certainly deserve it yourself, and thanks so much for thinking of me.
Congratulations on your awards! I'm returning the visit from the Book Blogger Hop - thanks for stopping by.
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