
Bibliophiliac is the space where one passionate, voracious reader reflects on books and the reading life. You will find reviews, analysis, links, and reflections on poetry and prose both in and out of the mainstream.

A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. Franz Kafka

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Coffee: In Which I Accept Many Challenges

The Community of Readers
I'll be at the kitchen table for most of the day, steadily working my way through a stack of ungraded papers. After a grueling October, with many deadlines and long, long days, November is flying by. I had the first week of November off, and read continuously. I'm reading blogs again, and rejoining the community of readers. Which brings me to: challenges and readalongs.

Some people might wonder why take part in challenges and readalongs; because they're fun, and because by doing so you become part of a community of readers. I wrote last week about the Mount TBR Challenge that Bev is sponsoring over at My Reader's Block. This week I'll tell you about some of the readalongs and challenges I'm taking part in as this year winds down and the new year peeks around the corner.

Thankfully Reading Weekend is sponsored by Jenn at Jenn's Bookshelves. It's pretty simple: read as much as you can over the weekend. Hey, it's my birthday (Sunday), I'll read if I want to. Yes, I was a Thanksgiving baby--I was actually born on Thanksgiving day. Every few years my birthday falls on Thanksgiving, but this year my birthday falls on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. That gives me the perfect excuse for spending the day reading. 

Thankfully Reading Weekend is flexible: read as much as you can, maybe knock off some of the books for your 2011 challenges, and cheer each other on. There will be a linky for the November 25th post, and a linky for a November 27th for your wrap-up post--but you don't even have to post if you don't want to.

For this challenge I hope to read at least two or three books-I'm so far undecided on what those titles will be.

The Wolf Hall Readalong is sponsored by Nicole at Linus's Blanket and Natalie at Coffee and a Book Chick. I've had Wolf Hall sitting on my shelf since shortly after the hardcover was published, and just haven't gotten to it yet. So I thought it would be fun to participate in this readalong.
If you think you might want to read along, go here for the full details and schedule.

Ben at Dead End Follies is sponsoring Smooth Criminals a Reading Challenge for 2012: more specifics on what I'll be reading for this challenge in a post soon. Go here for the requirements for this challenge.

I'm so excited for the Back to the Classics Challenge 2012. Hosted by Sarah Reads Too Much, this challenge has me thinking and making lists. Longer post later.
Are you participating in any readalongs or challenges? Do you have your list of challenges for 2012?


bermudaonion said...

I've got too much going on to add the pressure of challenges or read-alongs, so I'm kind of laying low with both right now. Good luck to you!

Sam (Tiny Library) said...

I'm trying not to sign up for too much, but it's all so tempting! The only one I have signed up for so far is Dolce Bellezza's February in Venice.

Scriptor Senex said...

I shall be interested to know your view on Wolf Hall. I was not impressed.

Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

I am so excited that you are joining the Wolf Hall Readalong! I've been hesitant to but since reading that HBO's turning it into a 4-part miniseries, it was my only motivation to get crackin' on it. I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint in the reading of it, but with other bloggers like you joining our fray, it will at least be fun to commiserate over any confusions :) I'll also check out the Smooth Criminals challenge as well.

nfmgirl said...

I was born the day before Thanksgiving, and mine also falls on Thanksgiving some years. What's great is I am able to take the whole week off every year, and I haven't had to work or go to school on my birthday since elementary school!

(I'm still trying to decide which challenges I'm taking on this year!)

bibliophiliac said...

@bermudaonion-October was my crazy month. Now I'm *relaxing* by signing up for challenges;)
@Sam-you *would* tell me about another enticing challenge!
@scriptorsenex-but it's so LONG! I really hope I will like it!
@Natalie-looking forward to the readalong1